I can't decide if we haven't updated for a while because
nothing has been happening or because
so much has been happening. Really, back to school is all that's been happening, but it's pretty over-whelming, so that's a good excuse.
Speaking of school, I have a couple of funny stories about my class this year. I always tell my students that I would rather read than do anything else. Which, for the most part, is true. They were quizzing me to try to find something that I would rather do than read. One girl asked me, "Would you rather read than go to Disneyland?" I paused and thought about it to really decide. It's expensive, I've been there 50 times, and you just stand around in line most of the day. "You know what? I WOULD rather read a good book than go to Disneyland," I told her. She made a face at me and said,
"Lady, you've got issues!" That totally cracked me up. I had to go give her a hug so she knew I was laughing with her and not at her. Another boy, who really hasn't had much personality, asked, "Would you rather read than spend time with your husband?" I paused to think about that one and told him, "No. I think I would rather spend time with my husband than read. You found the one thing." How very insightful.
The other funny story is from when we were discussing democracy vs. republic. We talked about how the U.S. is a republic because we elect our leaders to make decisions for us. I asked who the leader of our country is and one girl said, "President Clinton." I laughed. These kids were born in the year 2000. "He hasn't been president since you were born!" I told her, and the children corrected her as to who the president is. A flicker of understanding came to her eyes and she said, "
Ohhhhh. That explains a lot. I was wondering why he was supporting Hillary Clinton for president. I thought, 'She's trying to steal his job!'" It was funny that she was so wrong about who the president is, but it was hilarious that she saw it as her trying to steal his job.
Hopefully they continue to be this funny because it sure makes school more fun!