Thursday, June 28, 2007

Random Bits of Etiquette

"One is apt to think of Etiquette as being of importance to none but brides or diplomats or persons lately elected to political office. As a matter of fact, there is not a single thing that we do, or say, or choose, or use, or even think, that does not follow (or break) one of the exactions of taste, or tact, or ethics, or good manners, or etiquette--call it what you will.

Considering manners even in their superficial aspect, no one--unless he be a recluse who comes in contact with no other human being-- can fail to reap the advantage of a proper, courteous, and likable approach, or fail to be handicapped by an improper, offensive, and resented one. And certainly the greatest asset that a man or woman or even a child can have is charm. And charm cannot exist without good manners--meaning by this, not so much manners that precisely follow particular rules, as manners that have been made smooth and polished by the continuous practice of kind impulses." ---Emily Post

This is will be my recurring theme. As I prepare for the arrival of my baby, I'm thinking of the things I will need to teach him or her. Good manners and proper behavior, also known as etiquette, should not be overlooked. I've seen too much of that as a teacher.

In 2002, my sister and I were antiquing, and I picked up the official book of Etiquette by Emily Post. The original copyright date is 1922. Amazing. Much of what she says will not apply to us, such as the entire section on Domestic Help (maids, butlers, cooks, etc.) But the bits that do apply, that we're all lacking, I'm going to post.

May we all learn a little bit more etiquette.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm actually really excited about this feature you'll offer. Hee hee... sounds like you're officially published! And thanks for the hair tip. I'm seriously needing a change though. let me know if you see anything you think would work for me! And I'll be seeing you with ginger!